Monday, March 26, 2012

"History" (Mardi Gras Years: 1978-2013)

"History" (Mardi Gras years: 1978-2012) 
35 Works by Anton Parsons
Opening Monday 2 April 6:30 - 8:30PM
Show runs 2 April - 12 May

As a sculptor Anton Parsons is known for his belief in shape, texture and colour. In repetition and sequences, lucky combinations and topsy-turviness.
Here he shows 35 works on paper. Simply titled “History” (1978-2012 Mardi Gras years), he deals with years and numbers, and the memories they hold. They jumble, condense, overlap.

Sometimes years are reminders. Reminders of people hurt, of great bloody disasters, car crashes and ambulance trips. Or long periods doing shitty unloved jobs.

Or years to rejoice. Where we emerged blinking, smiling, happy.

So remember and rejoice with Anton Parson’s works, pour your own meaning into each, or see them whole as a generation.

Come to the opening: Monday 2 April 6:30 - 8:30PM

ESD Gallery
East Sydney Doctors
102 Burton St
Darlinghurst (opposite the National Art School)

"13 Stories" Dirk Kruithof


Dirk Kruithof’s 13 Stories - focused on Text, Abstractions and Erasures - signs and symbols from the everyday rub shoulders with snippets of information from the virtual world and gestural marks add layers of colourful interference.

A 'sneaky' little show from 15 March - 31 March, so you'll have to be quick!

ESD Gallery
East Sydney Doctors
102 Burton St
Darlinghurst (opposite the National Art School)